Immerse yourself in the world of Creepy Day and take you to the epicenter of the apocalyptic chaos that unfolds in the he
art of Los An geles. Im agine Los An geles, wh ere the me tropolis tu rns in to a ba ttlefield, wh ere ci ties are cr umbling and the st reets are fi lled wi th fe ar and de struction. In th is ex citing ga me, you wi ll take on the ro le of a rex di nosaur that has em erged fr om its pr ehistoric era and is now hu nting in a mo dern metropolis.Destroy sk
yscrapers, tr ample ca rs, and hu nt do wn po lice fo rces as you se ek to es tablish yo ur own or der am idst the ch aos. Ea ch lo cation is cr eated wi th the ut most at tention to de tail so that you can en joy the sp ectacle and the sc ale of de struction. Los An geles, fu ll of li fe and dy namism, wi ll now be come yo ur pl aying fi eld, and ev ery st reet, ev ery bl ock wi ll be su bordinate to yo ur power.Creepy Day is
n't ju st a ga me, it 's a sy mphony of de struction and chaos wh ere you can sh ow yo ur st rength by de stroying ev erything in yo ur pa th. Ex perience the th rill of ad renaline and fr eedom as you co ntrol a gi ant cr eature in a ga me wh ere the li mits si mply do n't exist."I ca
n't un derstand why so ma ny pe ople pr aise Creepy Da y. It 's terrible.""I've al
ready go ne th rough Creepy Day tw ice and st ill ca n't get en ough. Th ere are so ma ny pa ths and op tions in th is ga me that it re mains in teresting ev en af ter ma ny ho urs of play."We use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.