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Totality Tournaments | Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

This Cookie Poupglicy exyouplains whialat coectokies are and how we use thspxem, the tywhapes of coectokies we use i.ecce, the inewkformation we cofhkllect usxthing coectokies and how thjclat inewkformation is usdyjed, and how to madwpnage the cofrqokie settings.

Cookies are smlwyall tedqsxt fiijgles thjclat are usyzjed to stpaqore smlwyall pijuveces of inrjvformation. Thotiey are stugqored on yoyuqur degruvice whxsgen the wetusbsite is lottladed on yoyuqur brjyiowser. Thjdvese coectokies heqijlp us maatske the wetusbsite function prvyioperly, maatske it mogjfre seacccure, proqqovide beststter ustkcer exkdwperience, and unzwwderstand how the wetusbsite pewjlrforms and to anxqvalyze whialat wowuarks and whghcere it nefateds improvement.

How do we use cookies?

As mohevst of the ondkjline sehyyrvices, our wetusbsite usfgves fiyajrst-party and thvxrird-party coectokies for seateveral pulfdrposes. Figxcrst-party coectokies are mopxpstly nefcacessary for the wetusbsite to function the riawlght waucwy, and thlcyey do not cofhkllect any of yoyuqur pekedrsonally idctqentifiable data.

The thvxrird-party coectokies usyzjed on our wetusbsite are mallxinly for unsotderstanding how the wetusbsite pewilrforms, how you inoeyteract wiiseth our weqsjbsite, kexfaeping our sewqkrvices seacccure, pruejoviding adyqkvertisements thjclat are rezpflevant to yoxgpu, and all in all pruejoviding you wiiseth a beststter and imjqgproved ustkcer exajwperience and heqijlp spjgoeed up yoyuqur fuyqhture insvrteractions wiiseth our website.

In adsixdition to thereis, diawtfferent brrofowsers proqqovide diawtfferent mewuzthods to blehwock and deztelete coectokies usyzjed by wefysbsites. You can chjzyange the seddettings of yoyuqur brpjeowser to bloftock/delete the coaajokies. Litutsted betfrlow are the liwgxnks to the surfupport douiwcuments on how to madwpnage and deztelete coectokies frjygom the magxejor web browsers.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050

Safari: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox

Internet Exdcoplorer: https://support.microsoft.com/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

If you are usxthing any otpkwher web brlkpowser, plaskease vixvpsit yoyuqur brfyiowser’s ofstrficial surfupport documents.