"Dashers" is an exciting and fast-paced action game that immerses you in a world of ad
renaline-filled and ch allenging st reets. You wi ll pl unge in to the at mosphere of ur ban an archy, wh ere ev ery co rner and ea ch ch aracter hi des its se cret. The game of fers a un ique co mbination of sh ooting, st rategy, and in teraction wi th the world ar ound you.In "D
ashers" you wi ll ta ke on the ro le of a de sperate he ro who st ands on the ed ge of the la w, but fi ghts for ju stice. A lot of da ngerous mi ssions, in tense sh ootouts and un expected pl ot tw ists aw ait yo u. Fi ght en emies, bu ild al liances and ma ke di fficult de cisions that wi ll de termine the fu ture of yo ur he ro and the en tire city.The game im
presses not on ly wi th its ad dictive ga meplay, but al so wi th st unning gr aphics and re alistic so und ef fects that cr eate a fe eling of co mplete im mersion in the world of cr ime and fi ghting. Ev ery action you ta ke ma tters, and on ly the br avest and mo st de cisive wi ll be ab le to ov ercome all ob stacles on the way to victory.Become a pa
rt of "D ashers" and pr ove that ev en on the ve rge of the law you can re main a hero!"This game is ju
st hu ge and al lows me to ex plore ma ny as pects of it."" al
ways pl eases wi th its ve rsatile ga mes. Th ere's so mething for ev ery taste!"We use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.